Turnkey Solutions in Water Supply, Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse & Recovery
Zenviro Tech creates custom wastewater solutions based on end users’ requirements, which allow for optimally chosen components resulting in a solution that meets or exceeds customer needs.
Our expertise comprises the following technologies:
- Filtration & softening systems
- Physicochemical treatment (coagulation-flocculation)
- Membrane filtration (UF & RO)
- Ion exchange
- Chemical oxidation
- Biological treatment
- Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) system
Water Supply
Conditioning systems for clean water that meet characteristics of a given production line

Zenviro Tech’s water supply designs comprises a robust technology which is easy to operate & maintain and with the necessary control measures that ensure safety. Water supply treatment becomes necessary to meet the quality within the production process, however the application of these personalized treatment solutions can lower the maintenance cost of equipment and generate cost savings.
Our solutions meet specific process needs and water quality requirements, which allow end users to reach effluent targets and adjust system performance as needed.
Benefits of our water supply conditioning systems:
- Typical water quality of <20 µS/cm, lower values are possible if needed
- Increase of useful life of the equipment
- Technology selection according to local conditions and water quality
- Lower operating and maintenance costs
- Lower chemical consumption for cooling towers & boiler operation
- Improve quality in treated parts (automotive sector)
Wastewater Treatment
Complete treatment technologies for industrial discharge wastewaters

Zenviro Tech’s wastewater treatment systems combine necessary process technologies to reach required state and federal discharge limits and comply with local regulations. Our systems focus on removal of pollutants such as heavy metals, greases, suspended solids, oils, high salt content, toxic compounds, phosphates and more. Through the use of chemical-physical treatment (coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation), biological treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) and wet chemical oxidation (persistent or toxic organics).
Benefits of our wastewater treatment systems:
- Regulatory compliance
- Low operational cost through fully or semi-automated controls
- Removal of toxic and harmful components
- Ease of operation due to precise process control
- Turn-key package solutions available based on space requirements and specific needs
- Safe and reliable operation
Water Reuse & Recovery
Condition wastewater for internal reuse and reduce water use footprint.

Zenviro Tech’s water reuse and recovery approach involves designing systems capable of dealing with any type of wastewater in order to reintroduce it into the plant process. The primary goal is to recover as much water as possible thus reducing consumption of clean water from external sources, positively impacting the water footprint and cost of water supply at a production site.
The process technology choices of the system will meet or exceed specific water quality and internal plant demands, in addition to state of the art automation components to ensure ease of operations.
Benefits of our water reuse & recovery systems:
- Reduces water consumption form fresh sources; between 50–70% reduction
- Assist in meeting internal and external targets for water savings
- Creates savings from reduced water consumption
- Safe and highly reliable operations
- Turn-key system solution available that meets specific wastewater quality criteria
- Fully or semi-automatic controls