Robust Systems for Effectively Treating Hazardous Materials
Zenviro Tech has 25+ years of expertise and know-how in designing and executing thermal incineration systems for a wide variety of wastes, including solid, semi-solid (sludges), liquid and residue wastes. These systems can also be designed to allow for recycling and reuse of valuable compounds and raw materials. By adding heat recovery on the backend of the incineration unit, secondary energy production can be added to the benefits list for Zenviro Tech designed solutions.
Thermal Solutions to Treat Waste
- Tubular Kiln for incineration of solid waste
- Kilns for incineration of liquids, suspensions and gases
- Incineration Systems for continuous catalyst recovery
- Fluidized Bed Reactors (FBR) for incineration of solid waste and sludges
- Thermal disposal of ammunition using Rotary Kiln Incinerator (RKI) and Moving Bed Reactors (MBR)
Rotary Kiln
Recover waste heat from solids and sludge.

Zenviro Tech Rotary Kilns are ideal for waste heat recovery from solids and/or sludge. We design and supply complete solutions including peripheral components, such as input material storage and preparation, feeding systems, waste heat recovery and made-to-measure flue gas purification systems, custom to your requirements.
Available configurations include:
- Directly or indirectly heated
- Co-current (burner and feeding system located at same end) or counter-current (burner and feeding system located on opposite ends) operation
- All-steel (T < 650/700°C) or brick-lined (T > 700°C) construction
Thermal treatment of solid waste
- Hazardous waste incineration
- Weapons destruction
- Incineration of toxic substances
- Incineration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
- Incineration of sewage sludge/dried sewage sludge
- Oil removal from mill scale
- Incineration of shredder residues
- Incineration of residual fractions of domestic/commercial waste
- Thermal treatment of contaminated soil
Thermal treatment of viscous waste
- Oil sludge disposal/refinery sludge incineration
- Hazardous waste incineration
- Combustion of toxic materials
- Can be employed for a wide variety of purposes
- Robust design with a fit-to-purpose engneering approach
- Flexible and customizable concept engineering
- Made-to-measure storage and feeding systems
Moving Bed Reactor
Thermally treat comminuted waste.

Zenviro Tech’s stationary fluidized bed incinerators are primarily used to thermally treat comminuted waste in the form of solids (e.g. biomass) or viscous sludge (e.g. dehydrated sewage sludge, oil sludge). Naturally, the fluidized bed process can also be deployed for special plant such as the gasification of waste plastics.
In line with your needs, Zenviro Tech can provide individual components or a complete system solution. In addition to combustion, the system solution includes downstream waste heat recovery, precisely configured to make full use of the resulting flue gas, and flue gas purification in line with regulatory requirements.
- Combustion of solid waste (biomass, oil shale)
- Combustion of viscous sludge (oil sludge, sewage sludge)
- Custom solutions for your specific application
- High feed material flexibility
- Highly effective generation of energy due to optimal heat and mass transfer
- Homogeneous combustion
- No moving parts in combustion zone
- Ideal for autothermal combustion of low-calorific value input material
- Reduces load of downstream flue gas purification, as acidic components such as halogens
- Can be contained in the fluidized bed through the use of limestone or other additives